I'm not one to be cynic, and quite frankly, I feel I'm better than all you fags. But I now see the damage the community is doing to impressionable people. This is an extract, posted on the Love Systems forum, which is clear for everybody to see....
When on the subject of asking cute girls in his class out, he said he was currently unable to, as...
"I'm trying to figure out how to ask one of them out without making it sound too much like a date, because I don't want to convey all my interest just yet bc I still need more IOI'"
MORE IOIS???? For heavens sake!!!! ASK THE GIRL OUT!!! Do you want life on a silver platter? Do you want your fucking job, to work for you??? grow a pair man, grow a pair, and just ask her out. Are they breeding a culture, that is far from real men as possible? Nail polish, talking to UG's, not asking girls out on dates!!! Jeez!
Isn't the community employing the greatest mindfuck of all time, right up there with religion? Confuse people, tell them what they are doing is wrong, get the to deny themselves, their feelings, their identity, get them to doubt life, cut themselves off from everybody else who thinks sanely, get them to think they are special, and just as soon as they are totally confused, totally lost, and bewildered... tell them you have the answer which will make everything make sense.
I see now, how this community, can often do more damage than good, if left in the wrong hands... as the only answer to this question, will be, correct... buy the magic bullets handbook for $50, and everything will be clear...
Maybe only read things after you've finished wanking your 2.7" (pathethic excuse for a) penis to old gay austrian foot fetish porn, and you'd realise this was posted on the forum yesterday...
YOu are absolutely right.
They are turning people into social robots.
Its disgusting and why I am thinking of writing a book about my experiences in the community. And it will not be pretty for all those concerned....
Where are you from Thor?
I read a book on social dynamics, as a teenager (before the game) and thought the idea of approaching more, and being unique sounded quite cool. Then I came across the mystery method, and thought, ok, kind of unnecessary, all of this can be learnt through being social. Then I found forums, and the fact people will follow it to the letter, won't act on their intuition, because it goes against the process, and will live their whole lives, within a cookie cutter mould is rather extraordinary. Now in England (a very submissive culture compared to the US) we have guys going out "peacocked" looking absolutely ridiculous.
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watch your words, nothing against good old Austria!!
Right now I live in the midwest - USA.
I have been involved with Mystery Method, Brad P, RSD,ect.
It's quite common sense if you think about it. They almost destroyed me and I ruined tons of potential great relationships because of "how your supposed to act" crap.
I think DYD - David Deangelo is the worst. His stuff is truly against normal social grain and its disturbing. I destroyed great stituations because of that thinking of negging, not showing basic interest. I mean come on, you have to show some interest in order to ask a girl out. Just basic nothing more.
I cannot stand that man or his ideas. Horrible.
I hear that!!
The amount of amazing, good-hearted, honest girls that opened up to me, only for me to tell them "Omg are you hitting on me? Stop... We aren't having sex tonight!" is quite shocking. Not even the party skanks, but professional, genuine women, that I ended up falling out with quite badly!
Thankfully I never paid for a bootcamp or anything like that. I've seen products that sell for $1000, and I've downloaded them by torrent, and ended up stopping them half way, as I wouldnt even watch them for free. There must be some very, very gullible, lonely people out there buying them, or some very disappointed individuals, with a huge case of buyers remorse!
And Austria is a fine country sir... Full off good porn, and maverick fathers
I lost all my friends and my great girlfriend because of the community. Everyone now just thinks Iam weird and I've been depressed for like a year. I just got one of my best childhood friends back and Iam slowly starting to become normal again, however Iam still socially retarded and have many fucked up beliefs. Good thing is I realise the damage the community has done to me now and Iam trying to get back to where I was.
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really??? did never notice that
of course you should take no advice as a non plus ultra, but i really would not say davids material is the worst.
...ok his "do you have email?" routine is really ridiculous and childish thaha
I was reading this norweigan article on Mr M, and love systems pickup
Theres an interesting paragraph at the end, from a psycologist, who says that its;
By the sounds, and looks, of people in this community, he's damn right